Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hawaiian Islands Satellite Interpretation Message

Hawaiian Islands Satellite Interpretation Message
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 18:30:00 -0600

Based on data through 0000 UTC December 12 2010.

Water vapor shows an upper level trough passing north of the main Hawaiian islands this morning and has an axis which extends from 35°N 155°W to 24°N 152°W. Deep layered clouds associated with this feature cover a large area from 11°N to 40°N and 144°W to 154°W. Tops range from 35 to 45 kft in height across most of this cloud region.

Cloud cover over the main Hawaiian islands has generally decreased over the past six hours due to the departing layered cloud band and the front across Maui county dissipating. Typical sea breeze cloud build ups are observed on visible satellite over most of the island interiors. Scattered cumulus clouds are observed across Kauai and Oahu this afternoon with mountains and central interiors being the prime area. Molokai has broken clouds over the whole island with a few showers on radar over the mountainous areas along the north coast. Lanai has broken clouds over most of the island interior. Maui has cloud build ups over most of the island as well, with some break ups in the central valley. Most of the Haleakala summit is obscured from the low cloud cover as well. The Big Island has overcast cumulus clouds over northeast and southeast lower slopes up to 10 kft in elevation. Broken cumulus clouds cover the leeward coast up to 7 kft in elevation. Few to scattered cumulus cover windward waters this afternoon while faint plume clouds are observed over leeward waters.

Far northwest of the state, another upper level system is centered west of the dateline. Dense layered clouds cover an area on the southern and eastern flanks of the low. Most of the cloud cover is north of 26°N and west of 168°W.

Far south of the state, isolated ITCZ thunderstorms are firing between 08°N to 10°N and 142°W to 162°W.

Hawaii Visible Satellite image for 0000 UTC
Central Pacific Infrared Satellite image for 0000 UTC


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